The Devil's Medicine

I hate money--I hate money. The thing I hate most about money is that I need it to live. Yeah, I hear you: “You can just give all your money to me, then,” right? You’re hilarious. You can have all of it the moment I don’t need it to survive, anymore. And don’t tell me it’s a necessary evil. If money is a necessary evil, then all evil is a necessary evil, and money no longer needs the qualifier “necessary.” Meaning, it’s just evil.

The people whose lives are completely centered around money are the most intimidating and frightening people in the world. Anyone that devotes their short time on this planet to paper is willing to do anything for any reason. That’s just transitive reasoning.

Also, the people usually in charge of organizations centered around money (which would be nearly every last ever-loving one of them), have the management skills of an infant. You wouldn’t trust these people to run their own digestive systems, let alone manage other people's jobs.

The reason Socialism is so wrong is the same reason Capitalism is so wrong: it’s because they are systems that try to manage money. Money is impossible to manage. It will always bring out the worst in those who try, eventually. As mentioned before, money is evil. It inspires evil, leads to evil-doings, and even conceives evil. Any attempt to harness its power is a fallacy, almost to the point of comedy. Within the very nature of money is the power to neglect, kill and destroy. Both Socialism and Capitalism cater to the destructive nature of money, and their participants willingly carry out its intentions.

There is no other substance that can degrade human lives more quickly and widespread than the influence of money. It somehow has the power to make us, its slaves, do the dirty work for it, and we go so far as to expect that any measure or means should be taken to attain or maintain it. Abusive husband/wife, father/mother, legal guardian(s)? As long as they’re making a living, their behavior is unfortunate but acceptable. Starving families and individuals, even due to disabilities? It’s their fault, and we shouldn’t have to pay to help them. You’re a no questions asked contract killer? Don’t feel bad, ‘cause that’s not killing, it’s paying the bills.

I hate the phrase, “It’s not worth my time and money.” Guess what? No one cares about your time--everyone has issues with their time. You’re dying, right now. You have no time. Time is not yours to have, because it keeps going once you’re dead. It doesn’t care about you because it’s not alive. And NOTHING is worth your money! The lifeblood of society? Yeah, that explains why we have a terrible society. It’s in large part your fault, if you are a staunch, money-hoarding lunatic. If nothing is worth your time, which nothing is because you ultimately don’t matter as an individual unless you help perpetuate life, then there are even fewer things worth your money.

Money is paper and metal. Can you understand that? Are you able to wrap your head around that fact? Money is paper and metal! Do you realize it costs money to print money? And to fabricate coins? It’s a cycle that forms a rigid grin at our expense, because we are the ones carrying out this pattern. It’s the ultimate way of money saying, “Life doesn’t matter. I do.” Paper and metal matter the most, I guess. As long as it has the faces of dead men and women, accented by fancy numbers and Latin words. Money truly is only a catalog of objects, no matter the denomination.

When planted in the soil of people’s minds, all that will be reaped from money is the search for more objects, and turn living things into objects once the inorganics become boring. Jesus Christ, Himself, declares, “ their fruits [you will] know them,” [Matthew 7],  So, according to this proverb, it’s safe to assume that anything planted--both figuratively and literally--can only bear fruit congruent to the nature of the seed; money, being an object, will only ever bear or create more objects, living or nonliving, organic or inorganic.

The Bible’s more famous proverb which is specifically about money is that the love of it is the root of all evil. I will take it one step back, remove the emotion, and say that the entire concept of money is evil. It must be, within its nature, because once the attitude of love is attached to money, it begins to take root and every branch, leaf and piece of fruit from that tree is all that we know to be evil. Everything we define as evil shares the same root: the love of money. This means that money is the very seed of evil, does it not? Because love most certainly is not evil.

So take your money. Take it to your grave. Sadly, you’ll find little use for it after you die and the parasite no longer has a need for its willing host.


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