What They Want
I'll come right out and say it: Disney wants your kids to be addicted to porn. Their approach is a careful design from childhood to adult, and is perfectly executed.
Think about how sexualized their characters are, especially their most innocent. No female protagonist is without makeup, form-fitting and/or revealing clothes, and unrealistic levels of willingness and sexual attractiveness.
No male protagonist is without a dogged attitude toward these women, with unrealistic levels of sacrifice and maturity (at least by the end of the movie.) In essence, the male protagonist should expect to earn the female through sheer benevolence, and the female should be expected to give into his desires no matter her personal conviction. Even the antagonists of both sexes have the same qualities, only the men are dominant, and the women are promiscuous. All of these character tropes lead children to expect a social structure in a world that isn't real, and the best way to escape that world, for those unable to adapt, is through the adult Disney catalog, which is pornography. Men are romantic, mysterious, and sensitive yet commanding in erotic/romantic novels. Women are perfectly amiable toys, perfectly shaped to the viewer's liking in adult films and videos. Disney just might receive a hefty commission for their efforts. They certainly ensure they'll get a return on their investment in everything else.
This is an introduction to the real topic I want to address, and that is that education is designed for children to be ready to forfeit their lives to heavy metal hands of industry if they enter the working field with only an elementary level of education.
Think of what those in charge want children to know:
- They want children to know a rudimentary amount of English, with emphasis on persuasive writing in lieu of creative or expressive writing.
- They want children to know basic math involving money and decimals, in place of engaging theorems.
- They want children to know only about heat, light, and sound instead of physics or biology.
- They only want children to learn about the history of war and the world economy, over anthropology and humanities.
- They want children to learn compliance working with a group of their peers and bowing to the authority of an administrative hierarchy, rather than having personal opinions and seeking personal discovery.
Once you lay out the practical ends of this set of means, then it gets a little shady. The results can be seen as follows:
- Children are to learn to advertise and sell products and themselves.
- Children are to learn how to buy products and services.
- Children should know how to avoid death or injury performing manual labor--especially dealing with machinery.
- Children should believe in strengthening the economy rather than improving social structure.
- Children should know how to comply in the workforce.
The reward system is where these things really kick in. No child is rewarded for anything except full compliance and proven performance. It's a grand campaign to vilify what is monetarily worthless and glorify what is lucrative.
There's no training in self-sufficiency; there's no education on growing one's own food, improving or repairing one's own living space. There's far more emphasis hiring and buying rather than doing.
The arts are woefully ignored because they hold no weight in industry. However, sports are exceptionally venerated because, simply put, sports are lucrative. Not only do they generate money for television providers, but they generate money for the very educational institutions in charge of how children are educated. From teachers to administrators, it's no coincidence that most scholarships are funded by income from college sports.
These alumni become elected officials, and are responsible for what is taught in public education. Therefore, the electoral process is taught in elementary school, where the oldest students are 6 years away from being able to vote. Elected officials want children who drop out before middle school or junior high school to still know how to vote, as adults. Then they appeal to the ignorance of those with elementary-level education by using emotional tactics rather than secondary-education logic.
This is the trickle-down system of despondency. To be fair, there are people who thrive in this system and lead very successful lives. They're fine without self-discovery or having value beyond dollar amounts. However, for the greater populace, it's not a success. When the bottom line is the focus of education, those subjected to its curriculum become bottom-feeders. And these children aren't stupid,
Eventually they question why they need to know what is being taught. The answer is beyond the scope of their brightest hopes, because it's closer and more shallow than they're looking. Work is handed out, specifications are given, and the assigned tasks are turned in to be evaluated. This is the function of industry. Children are conditioned to seek approval for their skills by people they are conditioned to believe are in control of their behavior. This is the workforce, in a nutshell. And the very basis on which education exists. What they want is the basic human unit to produce what will propel industrial ambition.
You, and all who have been taught, have been taught solely for the purpose of making money for your superiors. I mean, come on. You don't need to know who you are to keep your boss employed.
However, those who employ your chains of bosses know who you are. You are a target demographic. You are a consumer. This means you need to be taught what you want, and how much you're willing to pay for it. This means you need to be taught what you want to do to earn your allowance. This means, ultimately, you need to be taught what you're willing to do in exchange for what money they feel like they're willing to give up.
Because whatever they give you, you can expect that they'll want it back.
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