The Nihilist Mantras

To achieve the desired Ohm of the Nihilist and disappear as a forgotten, dark speck in the infinite black of space, recite one or more of the following Mantra to yourself daily, ideally in the mirror of a lowlit public restroom:
  • Life is simply what seeks Chemicals to be Alive then stay Alive, yet will cause Life's unavoidable Death.
  • Humanity is a glorified Poop-Factory--taking what is Useful and Beautiful from the Earth, then giving it back as a fat Pile of ugly, poisonous Waste.
  • What I Know will never be my Own, because Knowledge is what I am told It is. What I Create will never be my Own, because I can only Create from Materials which already Exist. Self-Esteem is a gratuitous Construct.
  • Neither I nor the Other are Individual, as all Things come from and rely on other Things. There is no One who is a true Original. My Hipster Cred is a Lie.
  • My Genes will be Lost as they are watered-down with each Generation, and They will no longer Exist, eventually. My Children might have Two Mouths.
  • I Work to Eat, I Eat to Live, I Live to Die. I Work to Die. Probably Fat.
  • My Joy exists at the expense of the Suffering of the Other, my Life at the expense of the Other's Death. Looking Sad about that doesn't Cut It, apparently.
  • The longer I am Alive, the more I break-down my Environment as a Slave in service of Entropy; no Step keeps the ground from breaking, no Fart keeps the Earth from warming.
  • The only Choice is between Life and Death, there is no Third option. Thus, Choice is not Real. Especially when the Other is designing all of the Clothes and Furniture.
  • I will Suffer to be Healthy or I will be Unhealthy and Suffer. Either way, I will Suffer--on my Running Feet or dangling from a Crane.
  • If I have and the Other does not, my guilt will not give the Other what the Other lacks. Yet, if I give to the Other what I have, I will become the One who Lacks. And, if I keep what I have, unaware of the needs of the Other, I am Ignorant of what They Lack, and am therefore Selfish. If I am Selfish, I have no place for the Other. Either I have Nothing, or I have No One. Except the Bugs who are quietly waiting to Eat me.
  • If I seek to please Myself, I am Isolated. If I seek to please the Other, I am Indentured. If We seek to please Each Other, we water-down our Genes.
  • Like an adult Immigrant trying to learn English, the more Purpose I will seek, the less Purpose I will find.
Speak one or more of these Mantra aloud, between the Universal humming of the tone 'Meh.' You'll know you've truly become One with the Nihilist when you no longer see the point.


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