A Shortbread Crumpet

It seems like no one should say anything, anymore. I'm not talking about political correctness or the opposite, I'm talking about the actual spoken language we all use that we shouldn't.

Image result for mustache mouthFor instance, we don't 'get' things, or 'put' things. You might think we do, but we don't. Do you know what we do? We 'getch' things and 'putch' things. You think you say, "Get your coat," or "Put your coat on," but if you listen to yourself, and are truly honest with yourself, you'll notice you actually say, "Getch yer coa'," or "Putcher co' don."

You don't actually say anything the way you're supposed to whenever you use your mouth to communicate. Even in your head, as you're reading this, you're saying nearly EVERYTHING wrong. If you don't believe me, use the following sentences (courtesy of my wife)--read the first one in your head, then read the second one aloud:

1. "What are you going to do, today?"

2. "Wud are you going tuh-dooduhday?"

If you noticed a difference, congratulations! You're lying to the angels in your conscience.


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