Right to Be Mad
I saw a video link to an American stand-up comedian's bit entitled "Religion is legalized madness." I didn't watch the video, but I imagine it's a video of the comedian explaining why religion is legalized madness. I can't be too sure, though. People must agree with that sentiment, because, without seeing the comments, I noted that the video had more views than there are sets of eyes in my entire state, including potatoes and needles. My conclusion there is that people watched the video because they were intrigued by the idea--maybe even to argue against it. My point is that, no matter what the video itself is about, I have a response to the very notion of religion being legalized madness: it's not illegal to be mad. That includes any definition of the word 'mad'. You can be crazy or angry and not break the law. Many of the things one might act out because of their crazy or anger could easily be considered illegal, but let's break dow...