Tongue Fu

The idea behind Tongue Fu is to train the speaker's tongue to be agile and strong, like a Wushu master would be. To master it, you have to say the phrase or sentence aloud 10 straight times without making a mistake. Some are easy, some are hard. If you want an added challenge, focus on clearly enunciating every sound in every word. Good luck!

Here is a short list of Tongue Fu foes.

A cat caught a canary.

The clearly crazy quack was quite adequate

Uninhibited, debilitating, and deliberately belittling

Quietly quit crisply crying, quickly

That thousandth thatcher threw the filthy thief through the fifth thrush's feet

Pass passed past spats stats

Chai tea Tai chi Thai tea

An Autumn motto on the bottom ottoman

Nab a hamburger and a banana now, Nana

"YOLO!" yelled your yellow yo-yo.

Collective communicative connectivity

Sky high, I yoga again.

Your limber limbo boy

Talk tack jack chalk

You see, she seeks sequestered secret sea-green sequins

Turquoise teakwood tiki tortoise

What utter wonder when we wear underwear underwater!

Blank blue bank blanket

With really white weather we rarely lull warriors, when with real white leather we really wow warriors

Fear failure, feel failure

A black rock backs a big locked box of black blocks beneath the rigged brick rack

A soldier's soldered shoulder surgery.

Sixth sick stick test statistic.

A cute cue accused you.

We'll never eat anything ever, either.


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