You Can't Delegate Hygiene
Life has logistics. Logistics, for those who don't know, is what we call the practice of putting different things where they should physically go that makes the most sense. For those who do know, keep it to yourself.
Something about life's logistics, though, is that common sense is not universal. What makes the most sense for one aspect will not make sense for another.
For example: if you're with a group of people, and someone turns the faucet on, it only takes one person to turn it off. Whether it's the person who turned the faucet on or not. Common sense would suggest, "Hey, if only one thing is a problem, then it only takes one person to fix that problem." However, it's a different story with body odor. If one person hasn't showered in two weeks, that's a problem that everyone has to deal with, but it's just one problem. The common sense up there suddenly no longer applies. It helps no one for the person to say, "Hey, I forgot to shower the past two weeks. Did anyone happen to shower for me?"
I guess the takeaway is that, no matter what, everyone should turn off their own faucet or turn on their own shower, and vice versa. Unless you're in a developing country. Which, if you're reading this, you're not.
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