A Well of Muddy Tears
Now, I have plenty of avid follower to attest to my impeccable use of modern technology. If I need information, for fun or research, my use of modern technology is the pool from which I draw to fulfill every needful thing for this blog, as well as my other blog, as well as conversations where I need to prove someone wrong. I definitely never squander this access to information, never before seen by humankind--namely, I certainly haven't spent well over an hour or five playing a video game or multiple video games; I completely stay away from articles that have no useful information; and, I have never spent an entire morning, afternoon, evening, and part of the night (let's say up till 3 a.m.) watching various TV shows, movies, and internet videos. However, our young companions in this world aren't as responsible with technology as I am, and some are even worse liars. They (we) have so much at their (our) actual fingertips, resources we had to really look for in the p...