
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Dick Who Was

___________________________________________________________________ Hi. I'm sorry to say that Broke Dick died on October 31, 2019. His dying wish was for me, his great-nephew, to write down what he told me on his death bed as one final list of wise words he feels the world needs to know. I'll try my best, but I'm sorry if--from what I could scribble down--I can't capture his folksy style of speech in my writing. I hope you enjoy these words, as they're the last of Broke Dick. Keep failure an option, don't make it the goal. Better thought a living coward than proven a dead fool. The world's always had too many eight year-old teenagers. You don't got room for baggage if you're drivin' a handcar. Journals compile the first draft of history. Words're like metal; the soft kind can poison ya'. Trust and obedience don't last long apart. Killin' time in the present risks woundin' time ...