Are You Sad, or Depressed?
There's a giant difference between sadness and depression. Sadness is an emotional state, depression is a physiological condition. When you're really sad, you feel sad. Everyone has felt sad. Even dogs feels sadness, especially when you eat in front of them. Depression, however, is debilitating. It's something that makes you stay --stay in bed, stay at home, stay in a rut, etc. Without actual chemical intervention, there is no change. You can't laugh your way out of depression. Chances are you've been laughing all the way through depression, but it's a greater issue than tiny hits of endorphin (street name "smiles times"), the same biological drug that's released during extended periods of exercise. If that's all you're using to treat depression, you will remain rutted. So, here are three simple tips you've already been told about (tell your friends.) Take things one little step at a time Big Bird Knows The best a d...