Validating useless art majors is the number one qualification to be a successful art critic. You have to seep your disapproval into a pool of tears over years of your wasted life before you can have a published opinion, which should go as follows: "This (art piece) was (inadequate) because of (reasons)." Great critique. Good job, you outsmarted make believe. It's worse when so-called "nerds" or "geeks" get in on the action during private conversation, whether spoken or using a forum. No wonder we haven't cured cancer as a species, or even the common cold. So much effort from the self-appointed experts of logic and science are too busy with better things. Because there's no sound in space! And the word should be spread, so we can avoid another scientifically and historically inaccurate retelling of the true events we've come to know as the Star Wars legacy.